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🎧 Battery Life of a Mom of Six: Keeping Your Spark Alive


With Alicia Freeman


How can caregivers maintain their well-being while juggling the demands of their duties? Alicia Freeman (a mother six to children in care and her own bio kids) shares the importance of integrating self-care into daily routines and recognizing early signs of burnout, such as insomnia and irritability.

Alicia offers practical strategies for balancing household chores and personal time. With a busy household and summer routines winding down, Alicia anticipates the return of a predictable school schedule and the necessity of staying connected to her own needs.

Time Stamps

[04:53] Parents manage control by maintaining predictable routines.

[08:35] Struggling to care when not feeling grounded.

[10:26] Motherhood is fulfilling but maintaining individuality essential.

[13:42] Teaching self-care is crucial for balanced caregiving.

[18:14] Balancing self-care with caregiving through daily activities.

[19:47] Finding fulfilling self-care without added stress.

[24:15] Grateful for supportive partnership in handling challenges.

[26:57] Church community supports prioritizing marriage and relationships.

[29:36] Offer gift card, watch kids, support couple.

[34:27] App helps identify emotions through energy categories.

[35:56] Relief in identifying emotions and celebrating moments.

[39:07] Struggling mom finds freedom through self-care education.

[43:30] Caregiving is tough, seek professional help regularly.

[46:18] Mindfulness and proper breathing can change mindset.




Mark 6:31 | Rest and Recharge


Mark 6:31

ESV (English Standard Version)

And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.

NLT (New Living Translation)

Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat.

NIV (New International Version)

Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

Ask Yourself

"How can I prioritize intentional breaks in my daily routine to avoid fatigue and burnout this week?"

Walk it Out


  • Meditate on Mark 6:31 and consider how you can make space for rest and quiet in your busy life.


  • Schedule at least one intentional break this week to rest and recharge. Use this time to do something that brings you peace and restores your energy.


  • Pray for wisdom to recognize the signs of fatigue and the courage to take necessary breaks.

  • Pray for caregivers, that they find rest and renewal in their demanding roles so that they may love and care for others more effectively.

  • Pray for a deeper understanding of God's desire for us to rest in his presence, allowing his truth to wash over us and transform our approach to self-care.


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