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How can I receive support for my child/family?So glad you decided to reach out to us! We have a great system called CarePortal where your local churches will learn about your needs and support you in whatever way they can. Your needs could include anything from food to clothing to supplies to labor. Head over to the Get Support page to sign up!
How can I offer support to for other people's families?So glad you can help! We use a great tool named CarePortal to connect you with people in your area that can use support. Support can come in all shapes and sizes, from food to clothing to supplies to labor. Head over to our CarePortal page to sign up! Another great option is donating to us directly on our Donate page so we can allocate funds where they're needed most.
Are there any volunteer/job opportunities available at the moment?We're always looking for more people to join us on our journey. Check out our Join Us page for a full listing of all open volunteer opportunities and job postings.
Is it possible to watch the recorded events after they take place?At the moment, you can request the recorded event sent to you only if you've signed up for the live event. You can request this as you sign up for the live event. We ask that you do not distribute this recording as it costs us time and money to put on these events, and we would love to continue offering these events in the future.
How do I find details about an event or sign up for one?Glad you're interested! You can find details about all upcoming events on our Events page.
Question wasn't answered? Contact Us!

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